Well... Today is 5 November and those who didn't vote early are heading to the polls. No matter what party you support, all we can do now is ride out the events of the next few days, with that in mine here are some late fall images to take your mind off of politics...
The fall colors are almost gone
Cape Cod and much of SE Massachusetts have one main crop and that is cranberries. You can find cranberry bogs where ever access to a body of water is.
The red seen in this image is cranberries red and ripe, ready to be flooded, knocked free, floated, and collected.
Then they will be sorted, checked, boxed, or bagged. Next you will be buying them from your local grocery store. Of course if you live nearby, you could stop in at one of the local farms and buy them insanely fresh, picked only days ago.
Most all the fall colors are gone but as you can see, in late October to early November you can still find red colors, they just are not up in the trees but in the cranberry bogs...
Jeff "Foliage" Folger